$_ is the default argument
It is the default argument for many operators and also some control structures.
$_ is a normal scalar variable and it can be used as a normal scalar variable,you can change it.print it and use it.
Some of the common usuages of $_ and how the default operator is automatically interpreted in perl :
print $_;
print; Same result
print "found it" if $_ =~ /Rosebud/;
print "found it " if /Rosebud/; Same result
foreach $_(@list) { &do_something($_) };e
foreach (@list){ &do_something($_) }; Same result
while (defined($_ = <STDIN>)){ print $_; }
while(<STDIN>){ print ; } Same result
$_ always belongs to the main package.
Even if you define $_ in some other package it will default always to $main::$_
package hello;
package main:
print $_; # it prints hai
Here hai as print $_; is same as ---> print $main::$_;
You can even use $hello::$_ and assign it some value.print it.But this is not same as $_ and it has no special property.