Just put ftp [ IP-addressess or host-name ]
for example:
Once it is a valid IP-address ,it will ask for username and password for that particular IP-address.
Once it is authenticated ,it will return User logged in and a ftp> prompt
If the IP address is not valid ,it will return User not logged in
Once you are logged in
you either
you can either get a file from any location in logged IP by using cd command to move into the particular directory.But in this case file can be copied into current directory where you tried for ftp.
ftp>cd /karthik
ftp> ls
df fg gg dd ff
ftp>get df
but to put a file you can transfer it only from the current directory of your local IP where you tried for ftp.
Nevertheless the file can be copied to any location in the remote IP
ftp>cd /karthik
ftp> put sample.txt
sample.txt df fg gg dd ff
To use it for a entire directory you can use mget and mput in the place of get and put.
in case of mget it will ask for confirmation for each file
To avoid that you can use:
ftp -i ip-address
this switches off the interactive mode
for example:
Once it is a valid IP-address ,it will ask for username and password for that particular IP-address.
Once it is authenticated ,it will return User logged in and a ftp> prompt
If the IP address is not valid ,it will return User not logged in
Once you are logged in
you either
you can either get a file from any location in logged IP by using cd command to move into the particular directory.But in this case file can be copied into current directory where you tried for ftp.
ftp>cd /karthik
ftp> ls
df fg gg dd ff
ftp>get df
but to put a file you can transfer it only from the current directory of your local IP where you tried for ftp.
Nevertheless the file can be copied to any location in the remote IP
ftp>cd /karthik
ftp> put sample.txt
sample.txt df fg gg dd ff
To use it for a entire directory you can use mget and mput in the place of get and put.
in case of mget it will ask for confirmation for each file
To avoid that you can use:
ftp -i ip-address
this switches off the interactive mode
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