strcmp function in c
int strcmp(char * str1,char * str2)
strcmp function returns a number eitheir 0, positive integer or negative integer
Return vaues:
positive integer - is returned if string str1 is greater than string str2
0 - if both the strings are equal
negative integer - if string str1 is less than the string str2
In this case comparisons happen using unsigned integers.
for example:
char * i = "hello";
char * j="hello1";
output will be a negative integer
strncmp in C:
The syntax all are same .but in this case there is an extra argument for setting how many characters you want to compare.
int strncmp(char *str1,char * str2, int );
Functionality all are same.But here int parameter is to set no of characters to compare in two strings.
for example:
char * i = "hello";
char * j="hello1";
output will be 0 as we compare only 4 characters and it is same in both the strings.