Many keywords ease the use of vi
Some of them are:
Ctrl+F - to move forward one page at a time
Ctrl+B - to move backward one page at a time
Ctrl+D - to move half page forward at a time
Ctrl+U - to move half page backward at a time
Ctrl+G - name of the file you are editting
G -last line of the file
1G - move to the first line of the file
this any line no you want to move to
H - want the cursor to move to the upper left corner of the screen
M - want to move the cursor to the middle left corner of the screen
L - want to move the cursor to the lower left corner of the screen
Ctrl+R - to Redo the changes in the file
Ctrl+U - to Undo the changes in the file
dw - delete the word
d$ - delete starting from where the cursor is to the end of the line
d0 - delete starting from where the cursor is to the beginning of the line
Editing using numbers:
5cl - delete the 5 characters following the cursor and make it in insert mode
12j - move the cursor down 5 lines
3dw - delete 3 words
substitution in vi:
:g/Local - find the occurence of Local globally and print the instances
:s/Local/Remote - replace the occurence in the current line
:g/Local/s//Remote - for replacing the first occurence
:g/Local/s//Remote/g - for replacing the entire occurence of Local
:g/Local/s//Remote/gp - for replacing and printing the changed occurence